Add Feedback Field to Zendesk Guide with Slack notification

Toru Takahashi
2 min readMar 31, 2022


Zendesk Guide only has an ability to get Yes / No feedback on articles.
However, we usually would like to know a reason of Yes/No.

In this article, I will introduce how to edit Zendesk Guide theme to allow feedback comments after entering Yes / No in order to gather actual comments from Customers. In addition, I also introduce the way to implement a postback to Slack when a feedback is entered.

Setting for Slack Integration

Get Incoming Webhook url based on the following article.

Setting for Zendesk Guide

The following files to be updated.

  • article_page.hbs
  • script.js
  • script.css


In article_page.hbs, there is the following code.

You need to update the code by the following. You may need to edit some parts manually.


Add the following style to the bottom of style.css.


Put it at the end in document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() {} in script.js. Also, set the WebHook settings retrieved by Slack in the url variable


